Poised for Exit

Your Personal Plan: The Missing Link to a Great Exit!

Julie Keyes Season 1 Episode 232

Our guest for this episode is Cindy Jennings, Founder of Interwovenly, a firm specializing in turning owners’ aspirations into post-exit action plans!  Cindy has been leading owners and executives in creating their ideal personal plan for many years. She's seen many owners regret their decision to sell, and for reasons that have nothing to do with how much they sold their business for. Usually, it's an intangible obstacle, like "What will I do with my life after business?"  that trips them up. 

One insight that jumped out from our conversation was that the values of an individual tend to change as he or she ages. What a person values when they're young vs raising children will differ. Likewise, when a person reaches their golden years, their values are going to be different. So, it's important for business owners who are planning a future exit to discern what their true values are, so that when they move on to their next chapter, their life will be more fulfilling, as they focus on activities, projects, work, and play which are tied to what they value. 

What's really important to you? What did you value as a child? What did you value as a business owner? What will you value as you exit your business? Thought-provoking questions that Cindy utilizes in her program called "LifeWise" help owners achieve their best outcome; not just for their sale but for the rest of their lives!

Find Cindy here!
Learn more about 
Interwovenly here!

Connect with Julie Keyes, Keyestrategies LLC
Founder, Consultant, Author, Pod-caster and Instructor