Poised for Exit

Building Inclusive and Secure Digital Spaces with ADA & Cyber Compliance

Julie Keyes Season 1 Episode 215

We featured two special guests in this episode: Don Raleigh, RevOps Manager at Evolve Systems, and Chris Steffl, partner with CyberFin. The collaborative work they're doing in the ADA and Cyber Compliance space was our topic of discussion. 

ADA Compliance, as we know, is the lawful way to accommodate people with disabilities who wish to peruse your website and possibly do business with you. However, noncompliant sites are a  hot button for lawsuits. Companies whose websites are noncompliant are being discovered by 'bots crawling the web and being turned over to lawyers who've made it their mission to come after them. 

Evolve Systems remedies this issue quite simply by knowing and implementing the changes to your website which would deem it compliant and usable by those with disabilities. Now, you ask, how does Cyber Security play into this? Compliance is about meeting required standards, but does nothing to protect the system.

The dual roles of Compliance and Cyber Security work like this. Compliance sets standards for data protection, often mandating practices such as data encryption, access control, and regular audits. Cybersecurity implements these standards while adding layers of protection through continuous monitoring, threat detection, and rapid response to incidents, thus safeguarding data beyond compliance requirements. We discussed examples of this in the episode that illustrate the importance of our topic; in other words “what not to do” and why

Protecting your business online and your internal systems is more important than ever!  Listen to the episode for actionable advice

Connect with Julie Keyes, Keyestrategies LLC
Founder, Consultant, Author, Pod-caster and Instructor